Monday, October 26, 2009

Irish Monsoon Wedding - Part One.

Here is a link to my first ever podcast! "Irish Monsoon Wedding" Part One,
featuring the amazing Brendan O'Brien, speaking about his daughter, Emma, above, who works for the Edith Wilkins Streetchildren Foundation in Darjeeling, India, and her wedding during Monsoon Season to Roshan Rai, also above, who is involved in "Mineral Springs" Organic Fair Trade Tea there. (Direct from Darjeeling's Mineral Springs Farmers' Co-operative, the tea is available in Dublin and Cork Oxfam Shops, as well as in Cork's Quay Co-op). Brendan shares his thoughts and feelings on his only daughter's imminent wedding, here:

1 comment:

Marie said...

Congratulations on your first podcast! It sounds great, and no technical problems whatsoever. :-)