"The Many Bodies of Contemporary Dance" is a symposium I'm curating with
Gradcam, and
Dublin Dance Festival, on May 19th in
Dance House (on Foley Street, Dublin 1).
Create, and
Arts and Disability Ireland are also involved. Key note speakers are Festival Headliners
Raimund Hoghe (who was last seen in Dublin as the swan in his version of Swan Lake, in DDF, 2006), and
Tere O'Connor (whose solo with Jean Butler will be on at the Peacock Theatre), with a panel of very interesting dance practitioners and cultural commentators (watch this space). This is going to be a rich and thought-provoking conversation which will be recorded, and published, for posterity. We're developing an online forum for the interested public, on the "many bodies of contemporary dance", that will run throughout the festival too, so you can have your say (if you don't manage to book one of the 60 FREE seats at the event itself -
BOOK NOW!). Will keep you posted on that. In the meantime, have a look at this year's fascinating line-up on www.dublindancefestival.com.
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